Carter Jonas Achieves Planning Permission for significant addition to University of Oxford’s Property Portfolio

by Francesca

National property consultancy Carter Jonas has achieved planning permission on behalf of the University of Oxford for a new Humanities Building, to be located on a 1.4 hectare site within the Radcliffe Observatory Quarter, in the centre of Oxford. The proposals received unanimous support from Oxford City Council’s Planning Committee.

The addition to the University’s property portfolio will include academic faculty spaces, a 500-seat concert hall, a theatre, an experimental performance laboratory, a lecture hall, public engagement and outreach facilities, and new public and landscaped open spaces.

The exceptional building will house the faculties and libraries of the Humanities Division of the University of Oxford. It will create a strong visual identity and give expression to the world’s foremost centre for scholarship and teaching in the humanities.

For the first time in the University’s almost 1,000 year old history, it will bring together seven Humanities faculties and their six libraries (to be combined into the new Bodleian Humanities Library), along with a high-profile new home for the Institute for Ethics in AI, the Oxford Internet Institute, the Bate Collection of Musical Instruments and a number of facilities for performance and public engagement.

Work is due to start in late 2022 and to complete in 2025.

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In preparing the planning application, Carter Jonas worked with Hopkins Architects, CPC Project Services and Gillespies landscape architects.

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