With people more money conscious than ever before, it is important to make sure you get the most for your budget and know you are stretching it as far as you possibly can. This can be done in a number of ways including opting for less expensive materials, choosing furniture that doubles up in function and finding a kitchen company that can offer different options to suit your budget. Sinead Trainor, Kitchen Category Manager, LochAnna Kitchens reveals what you can do to achieve your dream kitchen on a budget.
Choose furniture that doubles up in its functions
To make sure that your money is stretched as far as possible, you should consider investing in kitchen furniture and appliances that double up in their functions. For example, an island or breakfast bar can work as both a storage area and a place for dining. While from first glance an iconic design element has been created for the home, the cupboards that fit beneath the island are also a useful place to keep pots, pans or food. Larger islands or breakfast bars also mean that a hob or sink can be fitted in as well, again utilising every inch of surface space.
Choose timber effect over real timber
One of the main benefits of choosing timber effect over real timber is for its reliability and durability. As timber effect worktops are created from manmade materials, they need very little maintenance. To clean, they should be simply wiped with a damp sponge and mild detergent, then dried with a soft clean cloth. Real wood worktops on the other hand need the arduous task of regular oiling every few months in order to avoid the wood drying out and splitting.
The large savings to be made with timber effects are also a big pull factor when considering making the switch. A timber effect door or worktop can save you up to approximately 20%-30% on your kitchen bill, yet you won’t miss out on design and quality. Look out for LochAnna’s renowned Grained Collection of nine authentic woodgrain effect colours or Solutions worktops that come with a horizontal front grain and vertical end grain to simulate real wood. It is these small but very effective details which give our kitchens their rich authenticity, and at a reasonable price too!
Find kitchen companies who do the hard work for you!
Designing a kitchen from scratch can be time-consuming and there are often hidden or unexpected costs with this. Find a kitchen company who already has relationships with other kitchen brands so they can do the hard work for you and source appliances, sinks, taps, worktops, lighting and more. This way, you know exactly what you are getting for the price you pay.
You don’t need to have a huge budget to get the kitchen of your dreams!